Sorry it's been awhile since I posted anything but here are some new exciting developments!
Vivian learned to roll over. She can get onto her belly and then actually enjoys her tummy time for a minute or so. Look at this big smile full of pride in her new skill.

Daddy is so proud. Vivian learned how to play the bass. Well, she still has the notes to learn but she figured out how to get it to make noise!
Okay, so not a new skill but we realized her hand-me down sunhat was part of an outfit.

We call this picture Zen baby. She looks so at peace in her peace shirt.

We went to New West Fest to enjoy all the goings on. Daddy carried her in the wrap for most of the afternoon. She loved watching all the people and kids running around having a blast. She was talking to everyone, even though they weren't stopping to talk to her. We watched Little Feat perform but since Viv was tired by that time she complianed every time the lead singer started singing. Guess she didn't enjoy her voice :(

Her friend John came over the other day while his mommy was working. Vivian loved watching him play with all her toys and roll all over the place. They spent a lot of time smiling at each other and grabbing at the other's face and hands.

Kristi! Thanks for posting all of the adorable pics so we can stay connected to you guys! Viv is so beautiful! I will call you sometime this weekend because I'd love to talk with you, and I also want a recipe from you. Love you sis!
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