August 27, 2008

New developments

Sorry it's been awhile since I posted anything but here are some new exciting developments!

Vivian learned to roll over. She can get onto her belly and then actually enjoys her tummy time for a minute or so. Look at this big smile full of pride in her new skill.
Daddy is so proud. Vivian learned how to play the bass. Well, she still has the notes to learn but she figured out how to get it to make noise!

Okay, so not a new skill but we realized her hand-me down sunhat was part of an outfit.
We call this picture Zen baby. She looks so at peace in her peace shirt.
We went to New West Fest to enjoy all the goings on. Daddy carried her in the wrap for most of the afternoon. She loved watching all the people and kids running around having a blast. She was talking to everyone, even though they weren't stopping to talk to her. We watched Little Feat perform but since Viv was tired by that time she complianed every time the lead singer started singing. Guess she didn't enjoy her voice :(
Her friend John came over the other day while his mommy was working. Vivian loved watching him play with all her toys and roll all over the place. They spent a lot of time smiling at each other and grabbing at the other's face and hands.

August 14, 2008

Cousin Noey!

We all went to Colorado Springs this weekend because Joy, Joe, and Noelle were in town visiting. Noey is now 3 months old and a lot more interactive than the last time we saw her. Vivian and Noelle both took turns watching each other as well as making a lot of eye contact. It was so neat to see the two cousins playing together.

Here they were watching their mommies and grandma preparing a meal.

They spent lots of time sharing toys on their play mats!

We even made them dress up like twins so we could take pictures.
Noey is the same height as Vivian even though she's two months younger. We all think she's going to be tall like her daddy.

Once it finally stopped raining and the sun peeked out we got out the pool and filled it with warm water. Here they are enjoying it together. Once Noey had had enough and got out Aunt Amy climbed in with Vivian to give Jens' back a break and let her enjoy the bath toys (Thanks Grandma for pulling those out).

We all had a blast ejoying everyone's company. The Davis family including Ganny, Lindsy, and Braden even came over for a few hours to meet Noelle and play with thier little Viv. While we were there Uncle Paul and Grandpa came home. Paul just finished an internship with Senator Wayne Allard out in our nations capital and Bill picked him up while out east during his travels. We are so glad we had this awesome time to share with family.

August 4, 2008

Cute Pictures

So here's some cute shots of our little girl.

This was one morning when I woke up next to her and she just looked like a model the way she was laying there. I had to capture it.
Perfect little round gerber baby face :)

Here she is at 3 weeks and then 4 Months in the same position. Look how much she's grown!
Hanging out with her doggies

Playing in her johnny jumper. She hasn't quite got the hang of it yet.

Standing with support to show off her new outfit Splishin' and a splashin'
Daddy's happy little girl

New Fun

Well Vivian now loves to nap on her play mat. She will play with her toys until she is too tired and passes out. When she wakes up she's right back at it. She has been rolling onto her side a lot more to play with toys not attached to her mat. We are having her do "tummy time" everyday to get her ready for crawling. She is starting to tolerate it for about 1 minute (which is a huge improvement). She is begining the stage of wanting to touch everything she sees. It's fun to see her so amazed with everyday objects as she discovers their texture and shape.

Here she is holding her monkeys banana while sleeping. It's the first time she's actually fallen asleep with an object in her hand.